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Indie Romance Convention


Tired of dealing with overcrowded book signing events where you never really get to know any of the attending readers or authors?


Would you like to attend a smaller event with a more intimate setting where you can get to know authors and readers alike?


The Indie Romance Convention (IRC) provides that exact setting. IRC is one of the most intimate event settings for the least amount you’ll find in the USA


At the IRC:

  • Readers and authors get to know each other on a more personal note.

  • The focus is on learning and having fun.

By the end of the convention, most go home refreshed and overloaded with information to help throughout the year.


Over the last four years as IRC Director, I have come to love leaving our event to watch readers, authors, editors, cover artist, and others start to follow each other on social media and help each other throughout the year. Once you come to our unique setting, you will understand we become family—a family who loves to help each other.


The Indie Romance Convention fourth annual event will be held at Lebanon TN, October 6th – 8th 2016.



We hope to see you there!

We are moving with a new ULR address. You can visit our new site by clicking on this link below.

Indie Romance Convention 


This site will disappear next September, so please add our new site on your bookmarks. 

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